Our job is to achieve perfection for your vehicles

We supply companies and private customers with components for heavy and light commercial vehicles, special vehicles and buses
Spare parts distributors

We supply companies and private customers with components for heavy and light commercial vehicles, special vehicles and buses.
Garages and dealers

Dealers, official services and independent service shops dedicated to repairing buses, coaches, heavy and light commercial vehicles.
Buses and coaches

We are trusted by many passenger transport companies. We work with components for urban, intercity and private buses. Public and private sector companies alike trust us for gearbox repairs, component purchases and professional advice.
Freight shipping

Companies and freelancers engaged in hauling freight with light, medium or heavy-duty commercial vehicles place their trust in Monedero. We offer technical assistance, sales and component repair.
Public works, cranes and special vehicles

We have equipment and spare parts for construction vehicles and machinery, cranes, construction lorries, dumpers, loaders, trenchers, pumping trucks, etc
Waste management

Group comprising every company dedicated to waste collection and transfer in our towns and cities.
Railway sector

We supply components for rail vehicles powered by diesel engines.
Naval and maritime

We supply engine components to medium-sized naval vehicles.